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Why exactly have this site?


New member
This whole Hytale Market forum seems like it could just be a part of Hytale Hub, kinda weird to seperate it into it's own

Maybe it's just so they can hold the domain "hytalemarket.gg"? Although I'm guessing that exact domain isn't very desired lol

Gregory S

Market Manager
Market Manager
This whole Hytale Market forum seems like it could just be a part of Hytale Hub, kinda weird to seperate it into it's own

Maybe it's just so they can hold the domain "hytalemarket.gg"? Although I'm guessing that exact domain isn't very desired lol
Hey Gavin,

Hytale Market was created so that the bulk of the trades and sales aspects of Hytale Hub could be migrated elsewhere so that HytaleHub.com could take on a more general game discussion aura. Many people didn't want the trades and sales aspects of Hytale Hub totally erased however, which is why they've therefore been migrated here. :)


New member
I think this forum is still waiting for its life. The hype on Hytal is just growing, but more updates and news are needed because it looks better on other forums. I think the cake is large and it will be possible to share it

Gregory S

Market Manager
Market Manager
I think this forum is still waiting for its life. The hype on Hytal is just growing, but more updates and news are needed because it looks better on other forums. I think the cake is large and it will be possible to share it
Well said!


New member
Can someone answer how to change the password ??
What am I doing wrong?
Need your help.
Yours faithfully.


New member
Прошу подсказать, как мне изменить пароль?
Что я делаю не так?
Нужна Ваша помощь.
С уважением.


New member
Кто то может ответить, как изменить пароль ??
Что я делаю не так?
Прошу помочь.


New member
Can I contact Administration?
It is about advertisement on your website.

Где модератор ??
Речь идет о рекламе на вашем сайте.



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Nasi tancerze i tancerki są profesjonalni, utalentowani i przygotowani, aby sprawić, że twój wieczór panieński lub wieczór kawalerski będzie wyjątkowy. Nasze niesamowite show taneczne podgrzeje atmosferę i zagwarantuje mnóstwo zabawy.

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